Tanya's Sweet Burn Juice

I have been juicing for 20 months now and have some favorite juices that I have all the time...this is one of them.  It is a recipe from a juicing buddy of mine, she created it after the Evolution juice called Sweet Burn.  It is really dead on in taste with the Evolution brand.  I really love it and make it almost everyday when I am on a juice fast.  The heat and the sweetness play 
off of one another and it is a perfect blend.  If you 
are looking for something other than that same old 
Mean Green then give this one a try!

Juice On!
Be Well...

Tanya's Sweet Burn

1 pink lady apple
1" round of pineapple
1 medium beet
1/2 lemon
2-3 inches ginger
couple of shakes of cayenne
13.5 oz coconut water

Juice the apple, pineapple, beet, lemon and ginger add cayenne and coconut water and stir.  I like it over ice...because I like my juices cold.  Enjoy!


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