Sweet Potato Toast
I don't know about you, but me?
I love toast and now....I don't eat bread, so toast is a thing of the past.
That is until the invention of the air fryer and discovering Japanese Sweet Potatoes! I love these sweet potatoes and this is my favorite way to eat them. It is very simple. First the potatoes are baked in a 400 degree oven for 90 minutes. I buy the biggest potato I can find, they are usually about 14-16 ounces each. After they are baked I let them cool and refrigerate them to use for the week. For this recipe, I take a chilled potato and slice it in half or maybe into thirds and take my palm and smash it down a little. Then they are placed in my air fryer. If you don't have an air fryer...oh my gosh! You need to get one! I set my air fryer at 400 degrees and cook these for 15-20 minutes. They come out all caramelized and delicious. I then sprinkle them with a little cinnamon and some frozen blueberries. I enjoy this for breakfast if I am still hungry after eating my veggies or I will sometimes have it for dessert after I eat my dinner. It is soooo good! It takes like cake!
I hope you give this a try!
Eat well
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